Grievance Committee

About the Committee

Students Grievance Redressal Committee enables a student to express feelings by initiating and pursuing the grievance procedure according to the rules and regulations of the college/ university. The student grievance cell inquires and analyses the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strict and confidential, manner. The Grievances Redressal Committee cactus the student’s Grievances and allegations of unfair practices if any.

Members Of the Committee

SL No. Name & Designation Grievance Cell Designation
1 Prof. Mary Saji Daniel, Principal Appellate authority
2 Prof. Remya R S, Vice Principal Chairperson
3 Prof. Deepakumari V N, Professor Secretary
4 Mrs. Deepa A, Associate Professor Member
5 Mr. Harikrishnan U, Associate Professor Member
6 Mrs. Aswathy M S, Lecturer Member
7 Mrs. Clementeena Jerome, PT Vice Chairperson Member
8 Mrs. Sumithra G, Girls Hostel Warden Member
9 Mrs. Sini G, Girls Hostel housekeeper Member
10 Vyshnav Jyothi, College Union Chairperson Member
11 Vignesh V R, College Union Vice Chariperson Member
12 Beena Babu, College Union Vice Chairperson Member
13 Gautham Karippayil, College Union General Secretary Member